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Westley & Huff

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Cambridge surveyors services Westley and Huff house image

Frequently asked questions

I am buying a new house, do I need a survey?

We have been acting for a client recently who bought a new house in Cambridge. A large number of defects have come to light and the developers response has been to reject most of the items on the grounds:- “It is the purchaser’s responsibility to ensure that a thorough inspection of the property is carried out prior to completion. If the inspection identifies any defects they should be reported to the Developer and remedied prior to completing the purchase.”

Do I need a Building Survey or a Homebuyers?

Both are surveys and will inform you about the condition and value of the house you are interested in. However the Homebuyers is more suitable to smaller and unextended post 1945 houses. We will however be pleased to advise.

What do I have to do to organise a survey?

Just contact us, either by returning the contact form on this web site, by email or by phone. We will do the rest. We will send confirmation and on receipt of your confirmation will book an appointment. We aim to keep you informed  through the whole process.

Why do you require payment before the survey is undertaken?

Prior to adopting this policy we found we had to employ someone to chase up unpaid accounts. We felt that it was unfair that the prompt payers were subsidising those who were slower in paying. This way is fairer and means that we can pass on the saving of not having a credit controller to all our customers.

Can I go round with the surveyor?

No. Our surveyors have an established routine which can be disturbed by questions and explanations. It is also a requirement that our reports should be the CONSIDERED OPINION of the surveyor. This is not the case if an opinion is given on site. We are however happy to go round with the customer once he has a copy of the written report. It is usually found however that the report is self -explanatory.

Can I ask the surveyor to look at specific items?

Yes. This can be noted at the time of instruction or when the confirmation document is returned. Can I speak to the surveyor after the survey? Yes. It is usual for the surveyor to call after his survey. He will also be happy to answer questions once you have the report.

Building and property survey services Cambridge house image

I have received a cheaper quote from another surveyor?

Our main competition in the survey market is one man practices who may be cheaper as they will be working from home and in some cases will not be earning enough to be registered for VAT. Westley and Huff has been trading for over sixty years through three significant property recessions. Since the credit crunch, three such firms have closed down, one went bankrupt and another died prematurely. If you want to be sure that your surveyor is still around next year, you will need to use a firm that has some depth.

Would it be cheaper to have the survey done by the mortgage company?

In certain cases, yes. However  such firms are not based in our area and therefore do not have the same degree of local knowledge. The largest national surveying practice also owns a number of estate agents and there will be some concern about impartiality. Also you will not know which surveyor has been allocated your survey.


If you have any other questions please use our Contact form
or call us on 01223 355665.