As experienced chartered surveyors we are able to offer a range of survey reports to suit your particular situation.
The detail and cost of the report will depend on the age of the property and your individual requirements. We are delighted to discuss these with you and will allocate a surveyor from one of our local offices, ensuring that they are familiar with, and knowledgeable about, the area and the type of property.
Our expertise means that we can offer you peace of mind whether dealing with a modern apartment or a listed building. Please Get In Touch to discuss your property and mortgage surveys, valuations, and expert advice.
Building Survey
Formerly known as a “Structural Survey ” this kind of survey is ideally suited to an older style property and is the most detailed survey normally prepared. It is custom-made to clients’ individual requirements with the object of providing the client with an assessment of the construction and condition of a property. It offers technical advice on problems and remedial works. It advises in greater detail on the general construction of the property, its stability, the need to carry out urgent repairs and other potential expenditure, and will advise as to the seriousness of defects listed and possible remedies. If possible the roof space will be examined, but it is obviously not practical to examine parts of the building which would require damage to be done to expose them to view, nor make inspections which might involve risk to persons or property.
A Building Survey will not normally include tests or detailed examination of the services, but will make generalised comments and will try to guide as to whether further specialist advice is necessary. A Building Survey does not generally include a valuation, although this can be provided if requested.
Vendors Surveys
Westley & Huff have developed a standard form of report called a Vendors Survey which is available now for home owners who, prior to marketing, wish to establish the condition of their property. This report is designed to be assigned to the Purchaser once an offer has been accepted.

Home Buyers Report
This is an affordable package intended for homes which are conventional in type and construction and appear to be in reasonable condition. It is a concise report focussing on urgent and significant matters, in a standard format based upon a general surface examination.
The objectives are to enable clients to make an informed judgement on whether or not to proceed, decide whether or not the property is a reasonable purchase at the agreed price and to assess urgent and significant matters before exchanging contracts.
We can tailor the building survey to your individual needs.
Please contact us with your individual requirements.